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What’s going on at the Institute?

Recently we have had some minor reorganisation within the Institute, which now consists of three research groups:

Molecular Physiochemistry Group led by Professor Tadeusz Andruniów,

Soft Matter Optics Group led by Professor Jarosław Myśliwiec,

and Nanobiophotonics Group led by Professor Marek Samoć.

Within the last six months, both Professor Andrzej Sokalski and Professor Ilona Turowska-Tyrk have retired. In fact, an official ceremony was held to thank Professor Andrzej Sokalski for over half a century of work for our University.

Several members of the Institute, including the Director, Professor Tadeusz Andruniów, were present, as well as many of Professor Sokalski’s friends, colleagues and former students. Official thanks were also expressed by the Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Professor Piotr Młynarz.

Members of the Institute also expressed their gratitude in a special book prepared for the occasion. Professor Sokalski was involved in the creation of the Wroclaw School of Computational Chemistry and Biochemistry and was a mentor and role model for many young scientists. Professor Turowska-Tyrk was a recognised expert in crystallography, with over a hundred research papers published in prestigious journals.

We also had several unofficial meetings to spend some time away from work – we even had a bowling tournament 😊

For the Christmas period we organised a seminar, followed by a get-together, which was also attended by retired members and friends of the Institute: Professor Juliusz Sworakowski, Professor Andrzej Miniewicz and Dr Andrzej Chyla.

As the end of the semester is approaching, we hope that all members of the Institute have had a good academic year, and we believe that we can work and have fun just as efficiently in the next one.