Institute of Advanced Materials
Founded on the May 1st 2022 Institute of Advanced Materials is a part of one of the largest and scientifically advanced departments at Wrocław University of Science and Technology –
Chemistry Department. The Institute was created mainly based on the faculty staff and
research laboratories formerly belonging to Advanced Materials Engineering and Modelling
Group effectively led by Professor Marek Samoć. The growing number of people involved in
diverse, however convergent, scientific areas working within informal research groups
created the need for more democratic and structured institution. Thus, when the renewed
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology Statutes was finally approved in 2021,
allowing the creation of larger research units – Institutes, immediately the attempts for the
transformation started. Finalized with the Institute enrolment at the begging of May 2022
and election of its first Director – Professor Tadeusz Andruniów – on July 1st 2022.
At the Institute we every day enthusiastically work at the chemical and physico-chemical
understanding of functional materials. Our work is highly comprehensive as it covers almost
all aspects of physical chemistry: from the materials design, over synthesis and precise
characterization and often wrapping-up with presenting their specific applications. In
particular, at the Institute we deal with the theoretical modelling of molecular materials and the research on the influence of materials internal structure on their properties within the group led by Professor Tadeusz Andruniów (Molecular Physiochemistry Group), and engineering advanced materials for linear and nonlinear optical based applications within group led by Professor Marek Samoć (Nanobiophotonics Group)